Thursday, October 30, 2014

Winston Milestones


"what are you talking about?!"

No more naps. :( (5.2012)

Fell off his bike and scrapes his knee. (6.2.12)

First roller coaster: dragon coaster at St. Monica carnival (6.1.12)

Mealtime still a challenge.

Always has to say the prayer.

7.6.12 I was making my bed and Winston was wearing my boots and pretending to be Woody. I asked, "Hey Woody, would you come help me make my bed?" He walked out of the closet and said, "Woodys don't make beds. Cowboys don't make beds."

"what do you want to be when you grow up?"
W: Putting his finger to his nose and really thinking about it says, "Um...big. With all of my family."

Can the angel come and take my tooth and leave me a surprise like a toothbrush?

We were kneeling down for prayer tonight and W volunteered to say it. He started, "God is g..." like his prayer at school. Knowing something didn't sound right, he looked up somewhat confused and clearly blank and sincerely says, "Um, I don't know how to start it."

"I love you to the airplanes and back."


Lizzie was having a hard time going to be and had been upset for some time. On his own, W went into L's room and sang "I am a Child of God" to her. Minutes later she was quiet and went to sleep.

W: Can I have a dollar?
Sheshe: Why do you need a dollar?
W: So I can go on a mission! I don't have enough yet.
Sheshe: Where do you want to go on a mission?
W: Ummm, maybe to MaMom and Poppy's house.

I had a really hard day. I had been crying for some time. W wasn't sure what was going on, but he said, "But mom, we love you!" Later that day he told me I was a beautiful princess (I was dressed like a witch). Sweet boy!

W: what do astronauts eat?
Me: I don't know. What?
W: Christmas lights!

I wish I was big like my daddy. Then I can go to work and have a watch have a tie. (1.23.13) Winston

"It's kind of boring when we don't have Lizzy. " (1.24.13) Winston

Brushes his face with my hair to fall asleep. 1.31.13

Gave the scripture in primary for the first time. 2.17.13

M: what did you learn today at school?
W: We learned about how cows make milk today.
M: How do cows make milk?
W: they have those little downy things on their bottoms and that's where they make milk.

Mom, does it make you sad that I'm four now? 3.12.13

I don't want to be a missionary. I want to be a prophet. 3.18.13

Loves sunsets and gets so excited about the different colors. 8.2013

"I think you should go to the hospital today and get the baby out." (During a particularly hard day). 8.2013

"I love you more!" 8.28.2013

I say with Sunbeams during sharing time today. W sang the "I like to look for rainbows" song to my belly so the baby could hear. 9.8.2013

I asked W if he thought the baby would have a rubber nose like him and daddy or a nose like me and Lizzie. He said a rubber nose like he and daddy. Then he pushed on my belly and said, "I feel it right there. That's his rubber nose right there." 9.16.13

I don't want to get married. I just want to stay with mommy and daddy and Henry forever. 10.5.13

Praying to know the church is true

Praying for Henry to grow up and play Legos with him.

Praying for Henry to grow up so w can teach him to wrestle Lizzie.

Primary program. 11.17.13


"Save it for the jury!" 2.6.14

Sneaks around the house. Likes to play "spies"

"I sweated the bed!" 3.2014

I was tucking Winston in one night. I apologized that I hadn't been a nice mom all day and that it had been a hard day. His response: "Huh? No you weren't. I don't remember." 3.2014

Wore a tie to stake conf today. Before we left: "do you think anybody will recognize me with my tie on?" 3.23.14

I picked up w today from school. When he got in the car he let out a big sigh and said, "College is gonna be really hard." 3.25.14

K: Will you still snuggle with me even when you're big?
W: Mhmm. Even when I'm a dad.

Started kindergarten. 8.12.14
Rode the bus to school 8.22.14
Bought school lunch. 8.22.14

Lost first tooth. 8.23.14

W: "When can I get married?"
K: "After you graduate from high school and go on a mission. Then you'll go to college and then you can get married."
W: "Then AnnaLeah's going to get married soon?"
I then explained that it takes some time to find someone you love.
W: "Well I already know who I'm going to marry. Sadie (Lake). Or Briana (friend from school). I really like them."

Loves to whistle. And snap. His big trick is to do both at the same time. But he can't whistle when he's smiling. 😉

Lost second tooth. 11.16.14

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thies Farm 2014

We keep coming back, year after year.  My parents, too!  God bless them!