March 31, 2012
Elizabeth Venice Rees, 1 year old
Height: 31 1/2 in. (95%+)
Weight: 23lb 13oz (90%)
Sweet little Lizzy turned one year old. It's true: children make time move at warp speed. I can't believe it's been a whole year since I walked into the OR, hopped up on the table and she came into the world just minutes later. Her cute little dimple, perfectly little head, rat-tail brown hair and round little face have turned into a beautiful little girl who gets cuter by the day.
- Nicknames: Lizzy, Sissy, Busy Lizzy, O-wiz-a-beff, Foo Foo, Punky Pie, Love Bug
- She has serious teeth: all four up front and on bottom, and four molars
- She's a climber. I had left in her in her highchair one morning and walked into the dining room. I had been away from her for no longer than 15 seconds. When I returned to the kitchen, she had managed to climb out of her highchair and up on to the counter!
- She loves the stairs. She especially likes to climb on stairs that have a banister (as opposed to being surrounded by walls). She can go up and down the stairs in seconds.
- She still has a thing for toilets. And it still grosses me out.
- Thankfully, she's showing less interest in dog food.
- Not walking yet. She stands unassisted all the time. Occasionally she'll take a step or two. But she's just not interested in letting go and walking on her own.
- She's the fastest crawling baby I have ever seen. Ever.
- Her hair is rather thick. And it's starting to take a mullet-esque shape. Gotta get on that.
- She still says "Uh oh" and "Mama," but that's about it. She may be saying "up" sometimes when she wants to be picked up.
- Lizzy is a rather stoic, serious baby, especially when meeting someone new. She won't even crack a smile! But if she knows you well, she is the smiliest, happiest baby girl.
- She isn't super snuggly, but she does prefer to be held. A lot.
- The only food I've found she doesn't particularly care for is pears. Granted, she'll still take a bite or two. She will eat anything and everything else.
- Her cheeks are round. Her arms and legs are squishy. Her belly is soft. But she really isn't your usual rolly baby. She's just...solid.
- She rips all bows out of her hair.
- She tries to brush her hair when given a brush/comb, and brush her teeth with her toothbrush. She's also been known to find shoes around the house and try to put them on her feet.
- When riding in the car, Lizzy likes to hold her baby doll. She hugs it and kisses it, and then usually throws it at some point during the drive.
- Her back and belly are sure tickle spots.
- She loves when D comes home. As soon as he does, it's like Lizzy turns into beauty queen and smiles and smiles and smiles the sweetest squinty-eyed-nose-scrunched grin.
- She's not afraid to get dirty. She follows W all over the yard, through the grass and into the dirt.
- She looooves her bottle.
- W and Lizzy having squealing, spitting matches. One will squeal. The other will do it right back. And back and forth they go. Same with spitting. No, I don't really care for this game they play.
- When left to play on her own, she prefers to go around emptying baskets, drawers, boxes, etc., particularly the cupboard with the cutting boards, or the drawer with the bibs, or the shelf with the cookbooks.
Love you!