Monday, June 21, 2010


My childhood home was real cool.  Yes, we had the drinking fountain.  We even had swings hanging from the ceiling in the basement, and black vinyl pads we would slide on down the stairs.  We also had the hugest sand box that would flood -- daily.  It was all pretty sweet.

Since W isn't quite to those stages of play I remember, I've been thinking of other play items to have around the house.  I do remember the brown and black, studded-leather seat rocking horse.    That rocking horse had been around for ages.  In fact, my parents may still have it in their current "cave" playroom.

I think a rocking horse is a little more appropriate for the 15-mo-old boy.  At least for now.  How 'bout these?


Or my all-time favorite:

I may commission Dave to try his hand at something like this.

1. and 2. Mass Modern via Handmade Charlotte
3. via Etsy


Lizbeth said...

i looove numero dos y tres.

Unknown said...

oh jennifer drive.. the memories