Mother's Day was special for me this year (obviously), but Winston's blessing was euphoric. It was a beautiful day surrounded by so many people who love and support us. Truly, the best thing in the world is family, and I feel so fortunate to have the family I do: parents who love me and help me to grow; siblings who support me and make me so proud; in-laws who love me like one of their own; and a husband who is solid in who he is and what he, he makes me laugh. On this special day, I felt so proud to be a mom, to be married to such a great guy, and to be able to watch as a father blessed his son -- my son. It felt like I had come full circle. I felt closure from the last year and a half, yet sweet excitement, comfort and peace at this new chapter in our lives
an attempt at putting into the words the things i love. wife to D. mama to W and E. running. traveling. writing. living. pretty things. my life simply put.
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