Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Let it snow/sew

This whole blog thing has not come easily to me. ��As soon as I log in, I face the dilemma of not only what I will write about, but why is it important, and does anyone else care. ��However, this blog dilemma has helped me to not just notice, but appreciate the little things that happen every day. ��And today I've got two great things to say. ��First, after much research and deliberation, I purchased my sewing machine; it's fantastic! ��And two, it snowed like crazy today.

The first sewing machine experience was certainly one to remember. ��Of course it's normal to sew on Boy Scout patches late at night, after being at JoAnn's way too long figuring out which bobbin to buy, right? ��After the bobbin problem was solved, even Dave tried it out. ��Hah! ��Who would've thought?
And lest I forget, the lovely snow. ��I love snow days! ��And today it actually snowed. ��I mean, really snowed. �� �� ��

And despite her distaste for anything cold, I even think Lucy liked it.

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