Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The annual arrival of my favorite gift came just in time to remind me of my upcoming 28th milestone.  Said gift (anthropologie month-long discount) is a kind hint of my getting older -- something I've come to terms with and rather enjoy.  I am always impressed at the creativity and plain genius of this gift's design.  This year's theme revolves around the stars:  a pretty little navy blue envelope with white stars and the question, "What's in the stars for you, Aquarius?"

Well, aside for a 15% off trip to the store, I'm not totally sure what's in store for me.  A new baby.  A trip or two.  And my 10-year-reunion, did I mention that?  There are some specifics to look forward to.  But I'm excited about what's in store that perhaps I don't know or see coming, as well as the things I know are rightfully around the corner that I'll figure out as they come about.

Some of the things I've learned that will surely help me navigate whatever is in store for me:

  1. A good friend's age doesn't matter.
  2. Dijon mustard tastes great in just about everything.
  3. Babies really do grow up fast.
  4. I am turning into my mother.  In fact, all of those cliches are true.  And like my mother, I will never get rid of my pillow.  Please bury it with me.
  5. Children innately know and learn by two words:  love and consistency.
  6. You get what you pay for -- but you can always find a deal.
  7. Always have a passport.
  8. Just wing it.  Many times you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  9. That includes trying new recipes.  If it turns out bad, you can blame it on the recipe.
  10. Strong relationships take time...and phone calls and e-mails and genuine interest.
  11. Looking at the rear-view mirror to see your child dancing never gets old.
  12. Each marriage relationship is unique.  What works for one might not work for another.  But comparing one's marriage never works.
  13. I feel thankful to have a husband who loves me, gets me, is a good man and is just funny.  
  14. Yeast/dough will never rise when anxiety is present. 
  15. I am a visual learner.  
  16. I will never completely know what I am doing.
  17. Even I can grow fresh herbs.
  18. I will never buy a car with cloth seats.
  19. TV is garbage 90% of the time.
  20. A local restaurant is always more appealing.  
  21. Being a good listener is a quality I will always be trying to improve.
  22. Confidence breeds confidence.
  23. Saturdays are sacred.  It's worth it to accomplish things throughout the week so we can just be together on the weekends.
  24. Second-, third- and fourth-guess anything you post to Facebook.  
  25. It's all in the details and presentation.  
  26. I want my home to have that feeling where people want to come back.
  27. I'll never be a perfect mother.  There isn't one.
  28. Thankfully, family doesn't go away.


Rita said...

you are so wise... I want to grow up to be you.

Christie said...

Seriously, the best list ever. I would like you to write a book and expand on each topic. I will buy it, study it every day, and hope to one day be as awesome as you.

Sharstin said...

love it~ and all so so true! happy birthday girly~ i hope you have a wonderful one--and have fun at anthro!

Nancy said...

Thanks for reminding me. . . .I have a fortune of goodness to be thankful for and you are one!
Love, MOM

Meg said...

that was so fun to read. i am going to read it a gain...makes me think. big year ahead for you. love love.