Friday, July 1, 2011

EVR: Three months

This is going awfully quickly.  Three months old means no more newborn status.  She's full on baby, now.  
I love when babies can finally start to see -- really see -- things.  Everything is new again and there's so much sensory exploration.  I find it rather fascinating to watch a baby go through that transition.  It's like a whole new world with all new people... even though it's the same group that's been there all along.  I love watching E's eyes light up and her body reel in excitement at the littlest things.  
For her journaling purposes:
  • first laugh:  6/30/11
  • chews on everything:  shoulder (of person holding her), clothing, blanket, hands, whatever
  • please no teeth yet!
  • auburn-ish hair, but blonde baby hairs coming in
  • eyes are still blue!
{in natural morning light, they look so, so blue}
  • smiley, smiley girl, especially in the morning; she'll smile so big she can't even look at you, almost like she's bashful; so cute!
  • as soon as a camera comes out, her smiling performance ceases
  • follows moving objects -- particularly W -- with her eyes
  • loves some fresh air
  • HATES to be wrapped up tight, but it's the only way to keep her from waking herself up; she somehow manages to wiggle herself out of the tightest swaddle and we find her with her blanket more like a scarf around her shoulders
  • world's strongest neck; tummy time is no problem and she already aces the  Bumbo (advanced, right?)
  • calms down to a singing voice
  • no more bassinet
  • getting into more of a sleep routine (1:45 awake, 1:00 nap)
  • went through about five days of eating every two hours -- TWO HOURS!  glad that's over for now
  • wrist rolls and thigh creases are still creeping in; her left leg has a chub crease
  • prefers to stand/push off of everything
  • likes to "talk" and did a lot of that today; kind of the sweetest/cutest thing yet
  • she's a pretty laid back girl, but when she gets  upset, she gets upset; her cries are serious and the crocodile tears flow
  • i'm not sure of her measurements, but she's definitely not a lightweight or short

 {apparently E looks like a giant in previous pictures, so by popular request, here's some "scale" for comparison}


Libby said...

EVR is so adorable. I can't really handle that aqua ensemble-really, it's so precious.

Also, I have a huge crush on your son's hairdo. That style has always been on my must-do list of hairdos. Alas, Levi's locks are too curly!

And yes, the St. Louis crew is Edee's family. It's a small world indeed!!

Lizbeth said...

oooooohh she is SO SWEET! I just want to kiss her precious chub face. Oh i love her. August!!